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Plank pole move with Amy

Welcome to
Pole Impact

A nonprofit pole studio

IGNITE your pole potential

EMPOWER your fitness journey

ELECTRIFY your life

Pole Impact, Inc. is a nonprofit pole studio. Our mission is to create an inclusive and welcoming pole fitness community that promotes strength, health, and wellness through the art of pole fitness. Read the rest of our mission here.

why pole impact?

We are a nonprofit boutique pole fitness studio that specializes in semi-private classes. With our team of XPERT certified and professional instructors, we strive to provide each client with a unique and tailored experience. Our small class sizes guarantee that our instructors can devote individual attention to every client. Whether it involves breaking down a move, offering spotting support, or crafting personalized combinations that highlight your strengths, our instructors are dedicated to your progress and success. Pole Impact uses funds generated from classes to support our mission to provide scholarships for veterans and other members of our community. 

Our Classes

Whether you're trying pole for the first time, mastering a new move, or rocking sky-high heels, our certified instructors have a class for you.

We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting military veterans, and we are grateful for your generosity. 

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